Comment 9 for bug 1897321

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Mary Llewellyn (mllewell) wrote :

> If I mark a record as transfer destination that does not have a holding for my library and then do an item transfer, the call number and item transfer. (if the item to be transferred is one of several copies, just that item is transferred and a new call number is created on the destination record)<

That's what I was experiencing in 3.1 and was looking for in 3.5.

>If I mark a library as the transfer destination, with no holding for my library, I can also transfer the call number and item using item transfer.

So, far, I like this and don't consider it a bug -- that old saying -- it isn't a bug, it's a feature!<

What I liked was that I no longer had to mark a library.

>But, if I have holdings on a library and mark the record as destination, then transfer an item with different call number to that record as an item, the call number and item transfer. Which would be a bug if I didn't want a separate call number on the destination record. I would prefer the transfer to fail and tell me why or ask if I wanted to continue in case I did want to create a new vol/call number on a record.<

But if I did want a different call number, I like this behavior. I wouldn't want the system to assume that everything should be folded into one call number. Asking if we wanted a new call number on the destination record in that case would be a fair compromise.

I've been enjoying not having to fiddle in Holdings View and marking libraries and/or call numbers as destinations. Since we manage things centrally, if I find a number of libraries are on the wrong record, being able to move all the copies at once without regard to library, and having them end up on the correct libraries with their original call numbers in one step has been ideal.
In fact, since the item transfer worked this way, it made me wonder what the volume/call number transfer was for. If I wanted to move multiple items with the same call number, all I had to do was mark the items in Holdings View. And not having to create empty call numbers for targets was great! It made the transfer process so simple.

I look forward to this conversation on the catalogers' list.