Comment 1 for bug 1895679

Revision history for this message
Jason Boyer (jboyer) wrote :

Evergreen 3.6+

I've updated the Stripe support in the Bootstrap OPAC to match the v3 support in the TPAC. Branch is here:;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/jboyer/lp1895679_stripe_bootstrap / working/user/jboyer/lp1895679_stripe_bootstrap

Testing is very similar to the original notes in bug 1774892 but even simpler as nothing has changed in the staff client at all.

The original testing directions are here:

This will cover the specific changes to the Bootstrap OPAC:
1. Bill a patron in the staff client
2. Enable CC payments in the OUS editor
3. Set the Default CC Payment Processor to PayPal to enable the OPAC CC form
4. Use an Incognito window to login to the Bootstrap OPAC as the patron and go to My Account
5. Click the Charges option and choose Current Charges
6. Click Pay All Charges to load the payment form.

7. Apply the patches in the branch above

8. Repeat steps 4 - 6; the default payment form should load correctly and look the same as it did pre-patch
9. (Optional) Get a free Stripe account and retrieve a publishable key and secret key to process test payments and enter them in the OUS editor
10. Set Stripe as the Default Payment Processor
11. Repeat steps 4 - 6; the Stripe payment form should load correctly and look similar to the new Stripe payment form in the stock TPAC
12. If you completed step 9, process a payment to verify that everything is working as expected.

13. Hurray