Comment 42 for bug 1888723

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

Hi Chrisy,

The batch call number options come from the default classification scheme, specified either in the Preferences tab of the copy editor or via the "cat.default_classification_scheme" org unit setting. The value there is mapped to one of the values in the database table asset.call_number_class, which can be configured at web staff URL:


Note the "Call Number Fields" column defines which MARC fields and subfields are used to extract MARC call numbers.


Regarding the return of the 'Apply' button, there are cases where it's helpful, specifically when editing batches, and cases where it's necessary, when editing subsets of batches of items. Arguably it's not necessary when editing a single item. I will note however that the UI is very keyboard-friendly. You can eliminate a lot of clicking with just Tab and Enter keys, both to initiate editing a field, and to Apply the result.

One potential middle-ground option is to display the field inputs by default when editing a single item, instead of displaying summary counts. That removes one of the actions -- initiating edit mode -- from each field edit. Applying the value would be as simple at Tab->Enter. It's not exactly the same, but closer.


I can't comment on the XUL copy templates, but the the AngJS copy templates will migrate. The ones I've tested so far work as expected.

Thanks for all of the input and feedback, everyone!