Comment 41 for bug 1888723

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Chrisy Schroth (cschroth) wrote :

Bill, thanks for your responses in comment #25. Regarding reply item I. The batch editor only pulls the $a of the 092. It needs to pull both the $a and the $b of the call number into the drop down. As I said, I no longer remember when this ability was lost.

I agree with Mary, I would just like to choose what I want from a drop down and have it select it (and turn the box green) without having to click apply for each field I am changing. I do use a lot of templates, so that will cut down on the number of times I have to click apply, but generally it is a lot of extra clicking. I also hope that with the change in interface, the templates will migrate, but I don't hold out much hope, as I think I pretty much had to recreate them all when we migrated from XUL to the web version.

Otherwise things seem to be working as I expected. Once I figured out that there were multiple items with the same barcode in this system, I was able to change owning and circulating locations for a single item, add a part, change a barcode, change a call number, add a call number and item, hide fields in the preferences, etc.

I didn't notice it at first, but I really do like the check box for Unified Holdings and Item Attributes Display. I think that will be helpful to our staff.