Comment 24 for bug 1888723

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Chrisy Schroth (cschroth) wrote :

Logged in to look at the changes, and compare Jane's proposals vs. the current at her request on the Cataloging WG list. My 2 cents for what it's worth :).

As long as the hide batch actions can be opened and the preference remembered, I don't really see a problem with hiding it by default. Sometimes I find it easier to just type my call number into that empty box and apply it over even a single call number when I am editing, rather than making sure I am wiping out the whole order level call number. Related to this, it would be wonderful if the batch could pull the call number from the 092 of the bib record again, so that you could apply it to your item(s). I don't remember when we lost that ability, maybe when we moved from XUL to web? Some of our staff used that feature ALL the time and were very unhappy when it was lost.

For our system here, Acquisitions almost always adds the items for us, and Catalogers are just editing call numbers to replace order level call numbers with the real ones. I asked our Acq supervisor if they use any of this, but she said that all happens in the Acq side, and they rarely have to add anything in the holdings, unless they are adding in the rest of the set of something like World Book. For the few times that I do this task, I would personally find the familiar numbers easier since I do it so rarely. It wasn't intuitive to me just looking at the screen in the GIF that you could still click in that larger area in between the + and - and input a number to add, rather than clicking the + 5 times until I watched to the end and saw it done. Changing it wouldn't break our workflow though, since we don't really have one that uses it.

If the batch is hidden by default, are there still "duplicate" generate barcodes and use checkdigit boxes? I am only seeing the 2 of them, and if one is hidden by default, do you still need the other? We don't currently have either of these on the screen, although they are both checked in my current "Defaults" tab, I don't remember their purpose. I don't see either of those in the new "Preferences" tab.

Other things I noticed:
Didn't we talk in the meeting about being able to hide the item # as well as the prefix or suffix if you don't use those fields? I seem to remember some discussion somewhere about being able to hide anything you didn't use that was taking up space on your screen to make what you did use fit better.

I noticed that there are still menu choices for edit call numbers, edit call numbers and items, and edit items, but they all give you both options on the 2 separate tabs. The only difference I noticed is that edit items opens it to the item attributes instead of the holdings.

When you are editing the holdings, can you still change the owning library? It is SO much quicker to change it there than transferring the item and/or call number to a different location when the item is remaining on the same bib record. We JUST got that communicated to everyone last week, it would be a shame to lose it again.