Comment 2 for bug 1858448

Revision history for this message
Jason Stephenson (jstephenson) wrote :

I see four ways of handling this issue, none of them ideal:

1. Add the fields and make the changes requested by John in the bug description.

2. Add an internal flag to disable this feature for sites that do not want to age bills and payments.

3. Re-implement the feature to be its own process, separate from the aging of circulations.

4. Do nothing and leave it up to sites that do not want this feature to remove it themselves.

One, two, or three require changes in the 3.3.3 to 3.4.0 database upgrade script to be made complete. They also require extra database upgrade scripts for sites that have already upgraded to 3.4, which may require special handling to prevent double application of the changes depending upon what the upgrade scripts actually do. There is no way to help sites that have already upgraded to 3.4 with data loss.

Number 4 leaves these changes up to individual sites and means that more sites will have more code to maintain in their local Evergreen forks.