Comment 10 for bug 1852321

Revision history for this message
Jane Sandberg (sandbergja) wrote :

Overall, I like this interface a lot, Mike!

There are two issues that I noticed:

1) Each entry in the "Group Entries" and "Shelving Locations" column consists of a checkbox and the name of the location. However, the checkbox and label are not associated with each other. This is a critical accessibility issue; could you please associate them with each other? More info here:

2) If I don't have any groups defined, and I click on "New Location Group", nothing happens. I get this error in the console: ERROR TypeError: "this.locationGroups[0] is undefined"

I also want to support having Position as an editable field, as Jennifer noted in comment #4. Drag and drop interfaces have some serious accessibility considerations for blind users, users who navigate via keyboard, and users with motor disabilities. I'm glad that we have the editable position field as another way to set the order of these groups, in addition to the drag-and-drop interface.