Comment 9 for bug 1850473

Revision history for this message
Mike Rylander (mrylander) wrote :

Better living through coding style automation!

However, with our traditional "release feature stampede" coming relatively soon, I wonder if we might want to err in the other direction WRT timing. In particular, I think doing a linter driven change-all-the-spacing commit might be best during the feature freeze or beta/RC phase might cause less total pain. That would also allow us to test and publicize the impact, and alert the dev audience a bit more explicitly, before we potentially blow up (especially) branches that have been waiting patiently for review and commit.

As for the changes themselves, I'd guess based on scanning down through the big commit that 90%+ of the changes should be trivially conflicting to the point that git really should be able to handle it on its own. However, I did see at least a few changes that are more than whitespace cleanup and import optimizations. Of note are some changes from "==" to "===" that should probably be considered carefully (as "==" can be perfectly reasonable, and even desirable), and I have to say that the output for switch/case formatting and indent folding is almost exactly the opposite of what I would prefer to see, personally.

Regardless, clean-code automation will be an improvement when it's eventually applied, so thank you Jane for your work on this!