Comment 8 for bug 1849212

Revision history for this message
Jane Sandberg (sandbergja) wrote :

I pushed several commits to collab/sandbergja/lp1849212_course_materials_module to address feedback from Jason Boyer, local testers, and especially Beth!

Things that have been fixed:
* An out-of-date trigger in the update script
* Fix the OPAC scoping for the module
* Course list now refreshes when a new course is added
* Many fixes to adding brief record:
   -> Generated 856 now allows staff to submit a $y
   -> Generated 856 is now all in one field, rather than spread across two
   -> Generated 856 now uses the course's library in the $9, rather than CONS
   -> Users can now specify marc type and form. Default type is a and default form is o (Ebook)
* Course materials grid is now editable
* User roles are now split in their own table, so staff can only choose from a limited (but configurable) number of roles for course users.
* Added a "Return to Course List" button on the term/course mapping interface

I was not able to get to your suggestion of allowing staff to select terms when creating a course, Beth. It's a good suggestion, but I ran out of time. I can add that as a separate launchpad bug if/when this branch is merged.