Comment 12 for bug 1834662

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

Thanks, Jane.

For displaying dates in different time zones, there is some promising new stuff that may allow us to drop moment-timezone.

> var formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-us', {
 year: 'numeric',
 month: 'numeric',
 day: 'numeric',
 hour: 'numeric',
 minute: 'numeric',
 timeZone: 'America/Los_Angeles'

> console.log(formatter.format(d));
8/20/2019, 2:04 PM

// It's 5:04 PM in my east coast browser.


I'm not trying to derail this bug, BTW, just want to get on the same page about where we may be heading. We can always move forward w/ Moment and modify things later if that works best.