Comment 5 for bug 1828279

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Tiffany Little (tslittle) wrote :

I guess because my mind equated this to the Acq line item history, I was thinking of this in terms of an Angular eg-grid. That would take care of points #1 and #4.

As far as the diff in point #3, my brain thought of something similar to the diff on a Git branch where it doesn't show the entire new record, but only the old (red) and the corresponding new (green) info. So I wouldn't necessarily need #2, personally, although that may appeal to others. And I don't think that's incompatible with an eg-grid, either, since you could just turn one of the columns/fields into a link that would display the previous MARC in a new tab. So for me, from your list #1, 3 and #4 would be what I would want to see. I don't think I'd be in favor of #6 simply because I wouldn't want bib records to turn into a chat/forum thing; I'd rather commentary was on a listserv or somewhere out of the ILS.

As far as seeing all of the table, not just the MARC, I *would* want to see any of those changes that are logged in that table--so like I would want to know that the record had been merged and who did it, or if the source changed, etc. I take your point about the limitations of the table not showing the most recent edit, though.

So I guess my thought was more like building out an eg-grid--which we already use--and then fiddling with the more difficult pieces, rather than a completely different kind of interface. That may not be what others want, though, so that's only my $0.02.