Comment 10 for bug 1821094

Revision history for this message
John Amundson (jamundson) wrote :

Thanks for your work on this, Jane.

The time improvements are great. It is about 5 times faster in my testing.
20 items on screen
- edit 1 item: 10 seconds for screen to reload; 2 seconds to come back
- edit 5 items: 10 seconds for screen to reload; 2 seconds to come back
- edit 20 items: 15 seconds for screen to reload; 3 seconds to come back

20 items on screen:
- edit 1: 2;2
- edit 5: 2;2
- edit 20: 3;2

With the speed increase, I'm actually wondering if the progress bar is even needed. In one of my tests, I had 100 items uploaded to Item Status and I edited 20 of them. The refresh process took more than 2 seconds, so the progress bar appeared. But so many things were happening at once, (i.e. items were edited, screen was refreshing, progress was dropping, list was reloading, etc), the progress bar would sometimes get stuck and lead to odd display issues, (like the attached image). Perhaps increasing the time needed for it to appear would be a good compromise, (i.e 5 or 10 seconds instead of 2).

I also came across a couple other bugs, but I honestly don't know if these occurred before the patch was installed, too, so they might warrant their own launchpad reports:

- If an item has a part, and the item is edited, after the screen refreshes, the part no longer shows in the Parts column. (I did not test or confirm if this is limited to the Parts column)

- Changes made through Edit>Call Numbers are only displayed if the item has already been edited during the session.