Comment 6 for bug 1820381

Revision history for this message
AkaSchmid (akaschmid) wrote :

Hi Jason
I tried again..

with your recomendation.. still getting the error

egAuth found no valid authtoken core.bundle.js:1:20065
egStartup.expiredAuthHandler() core.bundle.js:1:19409
getting item: eg.workstation.all core.bundle.js:1:22893
Source map error: request failed with status 404 Resource URL: https://localhost/upup.min.js Source Map URL:[Learn More]
Source map error: request failed with status 404 Resource URL: https://localhost/js/ui/default/staff/build/js/lovefield.min.js Source Map URL:[Learn More]
Source map error: request failed with status 404 Resource URL: https://localhost/js/ui/default/staff/build/js/iframeResizer.min.js Source Map URL:[Learn More]
Lovefield worker received action=createSchema schema=cache table= field= value= offline-db-worker.js:326:5
Lovefield worker received action=connect schema=cache table= field= value= offline-db-worker.js:326:5
Lovefield worker received action=selectWhereEqual schema=cache table=CacheDate field=type value=_offlineXact offline-db-worker.js:326:5
egNet open-ils.auth_proxy.enabled core.bundle.js:1:6132
pending count 1 opensrf_ws.js:46:5
connecting websocket to wss://localhost:7682/osrf-websocket-translator opensrf_ws.js:59:5
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss://localhost:7682/osrf-websocket-translator. opensrf_ws.js:62:22
closing websocket opensrf_ws.js:99:9
Error: WebSocket Error [object Event] : undefined