Comment 2 for bug 1818927

Revision history for this message
Eva Cerninakova (ece) wrote :

The alphabetical sorting for non English languages is good idea, however, when I consider it from a practical point of view, it might not be the best solution for every cases due to translations.

For example following items:

   MARC Coded Value Maps
   MARC Import Remove Fields
   MARC Record Attributes
   MARC Search/Facet Class FTS Maps
   MARC Search/Facet Classes
   MARC Search/Facet Field FTS Maps
   MARC Search/Facet Fields
   MARC Tag Tables

are translated to Czech as

   Seznam hodnot kódů MARCu
   Pole k odebrání při importu MARC
   Atributy záznamu MARC
   FTS mapy pro třídy MARC vyhledávání/faset
   Vyhledávání MARC/Fasetové třídy
   FTS mapy pro MARC vyhledávání /fasety
   Vyhledávání MARC / fasetová pole
   Tabulky polí MARC

If the menu would be sorted alphabetically, it would result in items related e.g. to MARC being scattered across the list.
In a fact hhis means , the way the menu is sorted in Czech now, is not ideal, but for some items it is much more "logical" then if it would be sorted alphabetically (however, this is not true for all menu items).

I would much more prefer some kind of topical sorting or grouping of the menus.