Comment 9 for bug 1786312

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

I left out the most important part: you have update the due date as well.

1. Run the fine generator as usual

You should see this:

evergreen=# select sum(amount) from money.billing where xact = 7;
-[ RECORD 1 ]
sum | 0.70

2. Modify Circ 7 to change its due date and clear stop fines data

evergreen=# update action.circulation set stop_fines = null, stop_fines_time = null, due_date = now() - '2 weeks'::interval where id = 7;

3. Run the fine generator again.

Then you'll see this:

evergreen=# select sum(amount) from money.billing where xact = 7 and not voided;
-[ RECORD 1 ]
sum | 1.40


Note that clearing the stop fines data is only necessary in this contrived example. In the wild, this happens to circulations that are still accruing fines.