Comment 14 for bug 1750894

Revision history for this message
Mike Rylander (mrylander) wrote :

It's actually not too difficult to find all the static grid keys in the current code base, since we have all followed the pattern of wrapping egGrid attributes across multiple lines:

Open-ILS/src/templates/staff$ grep -r persist-key *| \
  awk '{print $2}'|grep -v '{{'|sed 's/\x27/"/g' | \
  cut -f2 -d'"'

A script to generate the SQL needed to insert any missing ones (blindly, but in a forgiving fashion) could be run on demand by devs for testing. Then also by and the output captured in a baseline /and/ upgrade file and every upgrade would attempt to fill gaps.

Note, there is one dynamic grid persist key in the grid editor, and keys coming from that should fall back to local, I think. (In fact, all settings that don't have a server-side type should fall back to local, IMO, and we should announce when that happens in the browser console log.)
