Comment 31 for bug 1749475

Revision history for this message
Terran McCanna (tmccanna) wrote :

Original Project:

We've put this on a test server with a copy of the PINES data set, and the great news is that the timeout issue that prevented us from using it before seems to be resolved. I was able to create a basket of 110 items and sorted and printed out full records with holdings for all 300 of our branches without it timing out on me - it wasn't super fast, but it worked!


New Interfaces:

I didn't test the new admin interfaces as fully as Michele did, but I have a few notes about the new admin interface for Event Definition Group Members:

1) The grid has the Event Definition Group ID available as a column, but not the Event Definition Group Name (Print Records / Email Records), which would be more helpful.

2) In the pop-up form, the form has a dropdown selector for the Group ID but not the Group Name. This creates a bit of an obstacle for use if you have to leave the screen and go back to the Event Definition Groups interface to figure out which ID you need to use.

3) What is the Definition column / field? I assume from the release notes that that is the ID for the Action Trigger Event Definition, but it doesn't say that anywhere in the interface, so it's confusing. Either renaming the field or adding a contextual help popup or something like that would help.