Comment 26 for bug 1749475

Revision history for this message
Michele Morgan (mmorgan) wrote :

I've been testing this enhancement on a sandbox kindly set up by Blake Henderson. I've run into problems when adding an additional entry to Trigger Event Definition Group Member Configuration. I'm unable to cleanly switch between different print formats. Here's what I did:

First, in the stock catalog (not logged in), I add 3 records to my basket. Under Basket Actions, I chose Print Title Details and click Go.

I am directed to the preview screen with "Brief" format selected. My preview shows:

1. Bib ID# 88
   Title: Piano concerto ;Variations for orchestra
   Author: Carter, Elliott,
   Publication Info: New World Records, 1986
   Item Type: Musical sound recording

2. Bib ID# 46
   ISBN: 0253367204
   Title: The writings of Elliott Carter :an American composer looks at modern music /
   Author: Carter, Elliott,
   Publication Info: Indiana University, 1977
   Item Type: Language material

3. Bib ID# 65
   Title: Double concerto for harpsichord and two chamber orchestras
   Author: Carter, Elliott,
   Publication Info: Nonesuch, 1975
   Item Type: Musical sound recording

Switching to "Full" format adds holdings information as expected.

Next, I create a new action trigger definition called biblio.record_entry.print.2 by cloning blbio.record_entry.print and editing the template to put the author and title on one line so it outputs as:

1. Piano concerto ;Variations for orchestra by Carter, Elliott,
   New World Records, 1986

2. The writings of Elliott Carter :an American composer looks at modern music / by Carter, Elliott,
   Indiana University, 1977

3. Double concerto for harpsichord and two chamber orchestras by Carter, Elliott,
   Nonesuch, 1975

I add the new definition to the Trigger Event Definition Group Member Configuration as follows:

name: Super Brief
group: Print Record(s)
definition: biblio.record_entry.print.2
sortable: yes
include holdings: no

In the catalog (not logged in), I again select three records and they are added to my basket. Under Basket Actions, I choose Print Title Details and click Go.

I am directed to the preview screen with "Brief" format selected. However, the preview I see is using the template output from the "Super Brief" format I just added. I can choose "Brief", "Full", or "Super Brief" from the dropdown and choose Update. Selecting "Full" does show holdings, but the formatting in the preview always shows the "Super Brief" title info format from the biblio.record_entry.print.2 event definition. See screenshots below.

I removed the Trigger Event Definition Group Member Configuration entry for "Super Brief", but my preview still showed the template output for biblio.record_entry.print.2. Only when I disabled the biblio.record_entry.print.2 trigger definition altogether, did it revert to using the stock action trigger template, biblio.record_entry.print.

Not exactly sure what's happening, but we are unable to define additional output formats and choose between them.