Comment 1 for bug 1748464

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Mike Rylander (mrylander) wrote :

John, does this still happen if you search for and load a different user between the two searches for the same user via an inactive barcode? Does simply hard-refreshing (shift-reload) the page between the searches make the alert work as expected? If those are true, I suspect this is happening because the user object and state info are cached in (probably) the patron service, so the alert page is marked as already "seen" for the current user. If that's the case, I'm not surprised that the alert doesn't show on the second search+selection of the same user with an alert. And, if that's the case, I'm not sure that's a bug since the client has already alerted the staff to the, um, alert. I'd think of that as an enhancement over the XUL version, but would like to hear front-line opinions!