Comment 5 for bug 1743613

Revision history for this message
Jason Boyer (jboyer) wrote :

Ah ha.
What has changed recently is our definition of oils_tsearch2. (applies normalizers to metabib.identifier_field_entry to create the index_vector.)

I changed it to this shrimpy version from the seed data (which I *thought* was current at the time but must have been out of date.)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.oils_tsearch2()
 RETURNS trigger
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
NEW.index_vector = to_tsvector((TG_ARGV[0])::regconfig, NEW.value);

Which obviously knows nothing about any normalizers. I'll update our function with a proper definition and start a reingest to mop up.

So this bug is invalid, but the reason I was looking for possible oils_tsearch2 issues is that a table was getting null values from the trigger... So maybe I'll file another bug soon? Have to see. :-/