Comment 1 for bug 1738488

Revision history for this message
Jason Stephenson (jstephenson) wrote :

At C/W MARS we're seeing this in both 2.12 and 3.0.2 in the web staff client. I've seen the above query running for 6 days on our training database (2.12) and testing database (3.0.2). The testing database is stock Evergreen 3.0.2 with anonymized local data. Training has customizations applied to the OPAC. We have not made any direct customization to the web staff client.

In production, on 2.12.8, we do see this query run long enough that no results get back to the web staff client. However, it does not run for days. I've not managed to actually time it, but it seems to run between 2 to 4 minutes. (Our production db server is a lot faster than the others.)