Comment 10 for bug 1724965

Revision history for this message
Tiffany Little (tslittle) wrote :

(Caveat: Please tell me if I've misunderstood anything.)

When the columns were auto-generated, they wouldn't come in in alphabetical order and there would also be fields that would have two instances because it was in the auto-populated columns + specifically called out in the tt2. I think Copy ID was one of these. For things like Creating User, Editing User, etc., in the auto-populated columns it would get pulled in as the user's DB ID, whereas it seemed more user-friendly to have the user's username/barcode so I wanted to modify what was displayed. And I assumed that if I specifically called it out, that it would then have two instances in the list, the same as Copy ID.

I also wanted to modify things like Loan Duration and Fine Level which display as an integer to show as text, but I couldn't ever really grasp how to get the 'string_pick' that's operating in Item Status to work here.

So short answer is, to alphabetize + I didn't want fields to show twice if I was trying to modify what displayed.