Comment 1 for bug 1712659

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Cesar V (cesardv) wrote :

I agree the "Apply Changes" button's function is ambiguous here. It is not 100% clear at first whether it's supposed to "apply changes" to a change in the selected Org Unit or the change(s) in the ordering of the Copy Locations.

I'd welcome any input on this, but IMO one possible way to correct this ambiguity is to perhaps just change the displayed text of the "Apply Changes" to reflect something more specific, i.e "Change/Refresh Org Unit" or something to that effect.

The other possible way to address it is to change the way the Org Unit dropdown works, so that it automatically updates on-change, doing away with the need for an apply button there.

I'm not sure how feasible this might be in this Dojo interface, alternatively, another option I suppose is to update this interface to angular, but that would be the most involved approach.