Comment 2 for bug 1685356

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Galen Charlton (gmc) wrote :

Noting some discussion on IRC today:

<gmcharlt> berick: thinking aloud re bug 1685356 - it occurred to me that maybe we should split egOrgSelector into two directives
<pinesol_green> Launchpad bug 1685356 in Evergreen "egOrgSelector's notion of a change event is eccentric " [Undecided,New]
<gmcharlt> with egOrgSelector itself having its purpose narrowed to being a widget that you use to select an OU and have something happen (e.g., change a grid's filter or the like)
<gmcharlt> and create a new egOrgInput that is meant to be used in forms and is based on select rather than uib-dropdown
<berick> gmcharlt: so if we have a select-based org picker that works well with forms, any reason not to just use that everywhere?
<berick> trying to understand what each provides
<gmcharlt> berick: in the short term, an easier transition
<berick> OK so goal may be to deprecate egOrgSelector, but time will tell?
<gmcharlt> in the long run, there may not be much reason to have two, beyond a possible use case of wanting to have an OU selector in the form that manipulates the form display without marking the form as dirty
<gmcharlt> ^^ I'm stretching here, of course
<berick> right
<berick> could also be a toggle/setting
<berick> having something play nice w/ forms without a lot of hackery seems like a reasonable goal
<gmcharlt> OK; I'll run with it under the name egOrgInput; once I've got something working, we can evaluate where it fits overall
-*- berick nods