Comment 5 for bug 1682923

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Kathy Lussier (klussier) wrote :

I looked into the sharing methods in a little more detail for the above-mentioned social networking sites. Although all try hard to get people to use their javascript, they all offer a method to share through a simple link. The problem is with the use of branded icons from Facebook and Pinterest. I've read through their guidelines, and in both cases, the use of their icons requires that the web site use the image to link to a Facebook business page or a Pinterest for Business URL. I don't see any language regarding the use of a Facebook Share or Pinterest Save button on a web site, outside of using images loaded from the site. The Twitter guidelines do allow for the use of its icon to share content.

I've seen examples where the share links do not use the icons, but use text styled to look like buttons using colors associated with each of the social networking sites. This seems to work well, but it would change the shape of the buttons in such a way that they wouldn't look good under the current print and email options.

At the moment, I'm thinking it might be best to use a simple share icon that, when clicked, displays the button-like text links. Otherwise, I worry about cluttering up the interface.