Comment 4 for bug 1681009

Revision history for this message
Dan Scott (denials) wrote :

I suspect that 'ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 50 minutes"' from eg.conf is the issue, because CSS normally doesn't change very often. That cache time should be more like 500 days, but we need to merge the cache-busting bug # 1681095 first.

For this branch, we could just append "?dir=rtl" or "?dir=ltr" to the style.css URL in src/templates/opac/parts/base.tt2

So the base.tt2 line would become something like:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[% ctx.opac_root %]/css/style.css?dir=[%
  IF ctx.get_i18n_l(ctx.eg_locale).rtl == 't'
 %]ltr[% END %]"

Then when the cache-busting branch is merged, we append the extra cache-busting GET param accordingly.