Comment 15 for bug 1676608

Revision history for this message
Dan Wells (dbw2) wrote :

I checked this out a bit on Blake's test machine, and have just a couple quick reactions to share.

1) We have settings of "At Owning Library?" and "At Circulation Library?" with options of "Do not care" and "Yes". This seems awkward. One possible fix here would be to reword the settings as "Only at Owning Library?", etc. (adding the word "Only"), which would allow the answers to change to the more typical "Yes"/"No" or "True"/"False". We might even go further and have it read "Show Only at Owning Library?" or "Alert Only at Owning Library?" if we want to make it even more expressive. I can construct the simple patch needed for this if we agree on a direction.

2) I noticed the "event" name is listed in the alert. I can see how this might be useful, but it feels a bit "debuggy" rather than natural and useful in the average case. I also notice it did not display in the doc screenshots, so somebody made the conscious decision to add it, so I wonder what the expressed need was. If we don't want to remove it outright, I can think of a number of ways to de-emphasize it vs. the actual alert message, which seems useful to me.

Other than these small things, looks great. My mind is going over ways this might help us with reserve check-in/check-out. Thank you for making this happen.