Comment 10 for bug 1624366

Revision history for this message
Jason Stephenson (jstephenson) wrote :

Thanks for sharing this code. It looks like a good first draft. However, it does not work like the existing added content providers, so I can not recommend including it in Evergreen as it is. With a few changes, I think it would be acceptable.

Added content in Evergreen is handled by Perl modules found in OpenILS::WWW::AddedContent. I recommend that a new module be created: OpenILS::WWW::AddedContent::ObalkyKnih. This module should handle the download of images and process error results. It should provide an interface like the existing modules so that template changes are unnecessary or at least minimized.

I also recommend dropping the new Open-ILS/src/templates/opac/parts/record/jackets.tt2 template and removing the changes to the Open-ILS/src/templates/opac/parts/config.tt2 and Open-ILS/src/templates/opac/parts/record/summary.tt2 templates.

The new module should be enabled in opensrf/default/added_content/module in opensrf.xml. I see that you have added configuration for this provider in opensrf.xml already. That is a good step.

Thank you again for sharing this. I look forward to seeing your next revision.