Comment 8 for bug 1613374

Revision history for this message
Michele Morgan (mmorgan) wrote :

I tested this code and it looks good. Here's my testing plan:

item1 belonging to br1
item2 belonging to br1
item3 belonging to br2
item4 belonging to br2

At br1, create transits

- Checkin item1 with a hold at br2 - item1 goes in transit to fill hold
- Checkin item2 with a hold at br2 - item2 goes in transit to fill hold
- Checkin item3 needing to go home to br2 - item3 goes in transit
- Checkin item4 needing to go home to br2 to fill a hold - item4 goes in transit

Abort transits:

- Cancel hold on item1 and abort transit when prompted - item1 gets Canceled Transit status
- Abort transit on item2 (do not cancel hold) - item2 gets cancelled transit status
- Abort transit on item3 - item3 gets Canceled Transit status
- Abort transit on item4 - item4 gets Canceled Transit status

Checkout Canceled Transit items:

- Checkout item1, item2, item3, item4 - COPY_NOT_AVAILABLE - Force action, checkout proceeds normally.

Repeated steps above to set item1, item2, item3, item4 to Canceled Transit status.

Checkin Canceled Transit items:

- Checkin item1 - item1 goes into Reshelving status
- Checkin item2 - item2 goes in transit to fill hold
- Checkin item3 - item3 goes in transit home
- Checkin item4 - item4 goes in transit home

Magical Status:

- Edit item Attributes for an item in Canceled Transit status - status field is not editable

Checkout an In transit item:

- Checkout item3 at br2 when in transit from br1 to br2
- Click Abort Transit, then Check Out
- COPY_NOT_AVAILABLE - Force action, the copy checks out

I attempted signing off on this, but there's a merge conflict. I'll be happy to sign off if the conflict is resolved, or leave that to anyone else who's willing.

Thanks for working on this, Chris!