Comment 8 for bug 1593815

Revision history for this message
Dale Rigney (drigney) wrote :

This might be a new bug also, but it related to the issue at hand.

Here is what I see on v29 when you backdate a lost item during checkin:

Viewed as a timeline:

1) Overdue fines are charged (to include the over fines generated for on the day the item is marked lost).
2) Item goes lost.
    - Lost fees applied according to setting.
    - Adjustment applied to offset existing overdues.
3) Item returned with a backdate of the day before (i.e item returned in overnight bin).
    - Lost fee voided.
    - Creates overdue fee fee
    - New overdue fine generated in amount of previous adjustment.
4) Backdating is applied and voids fines dated after the backdated checkin date. This is the new Overdue fines generated in the amount of the previous adjustment and the last overdue fee generated on that day.

This ultimately causes an amount owed to the patron.