Comment 1 for bug 1559239

Revision history for this message
Yamil (ysuarez) wrote :

Galen, out of curiosity and for documenting what had been done (and how) so far, can you comment on what types of code queries you ran? In case a few of us run the same exact search, and thus all come up with the same results.

My first try would be a very simple, and non exhaustive...

cd Open-Ils/

grep -ir -e _new *
grep -ir -e ['"]_new['"] *
grep -ir -e _blank *
grep -ir -e ['"]_blank['"] *
grep -ir href *
grep -ir href * | grep -ir -e _new *
grep -ir href * | grep -ir -e _blank *

I can volunteer to check more closely than that, but may need additional pointers.

Also, I had previously thought about making 856 tags links open in a new window. I suspect that is something we might want to advice against?

Finally, here is some info on one way, of many, to change for those that are curious (I was)...

Hope this helps a bit,