Comment 10 for bug 1541559

Revision history for this message
Kathy Lussier (klussier) wrote :

Hi Jeff,

I tried using this branch to hook up a test server to Overdrive, but I've reached a stumbling block where I'm getting a 500 response from the Overdrive server. According to the Overdrive docs, this indicates there is a problem on their end, though I suspect I may have entered something incorrectly.

In the meantime, though, I noticed a couple of things:

In my logs, I see a request going to[libid]

where my library's id is in place of [libid] in the URI. However, in the Overdrive docs, the uri they provide uses https . Does that request need to be sent via https? I did make that change locally, and it didn't fix my specific problem, but I wanted to check to see if it needs to be changed.

I also just wanted to mention that I'm unable to import the test records into the database. When I try to run the sql, I get the following message:

psql:bibs_ebook_api.sql:8: ERROR: relation "marcxml_import" does not exist
LINE 1: INSERT INTO marcxml_import (tag, marc) VALUES

It's not a big deal, but should probably be addressed at some point.
