Comment 7 for bug 1533424

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Josh Stompro (u-launchpad-stompro-org) wrote :

Thanks that makes sense.

I need to think about how this would work with renewals. Would renewals be expected to also adjust to closing time. Or would a renewal just make use of the duration. Our use case for this doesn't allow renewals.

Would the logic be that the due date gets adjusted to the library closing on the previously calculated due date? Or maybe the logic is that if the due date goes past closing, it gets adjusted to the closing time.

So a duration of 1 day with this flag set would mean the closing time of the next open day? If you wanted it to be the current day you would select a short duration.

Or maybe the flag causes the duration to be ignored, and it just means closing time of the current day? But that wouldn't allow hourly checkouts that just shouldn't go past closing...

Use Case 1: In Library Use Laptop that should be due when the library closes that day, no matter when it is checked out. Duration should be set to less than 24 hours but greater than the length the library is open so the initial due date is after closing.

Use Case 2: In Library Use Laptop that gets checked out for 2 hours at a time, but a checkout less than 2 hours before the library closes should be due when the library closes. Renewals might be allowed, but shouldn't go past closing.

Use Case 3: Item with a 1 day checkout that should be due at the end of the next days open hours. Duration should be set to >= 1 day.

Corner Cases:

Checkout happens on a day marked closed in HOO or closed dates.

Checkout happens after location is closed for the day.