Comment 0 for bug 1502292

Revision history for this message
Kathy Lussier (klussier) wrote :

In the current client, most of our libraries are able to quickly add volumes/copies from the bib record by clicking the "Add Volumes" link from the record summary pane.

A similar option is not available in the web client. Instead, the user must go to Holdings View, click Action Items, and click to add volumes and copies. For staff that needs to perform these actions over and over again during a given day, the extra time to catalog each item adds up.

The cataloging workflow needs to be as streamlined as possible so that materials can be cataloged quickly and available for use by our users. The addition of any steps to this workflow will be a barrier to get staff buy-in to moving to the web client.

I would like to advocate for including a quick option to add volumes directly from the bib record. My suggestion is to add a button with the Add to Bucket and the Mark For: buttons (see screenshot.)

In order to get this option restored, we do need to hear from catalogers that it is important to their workflow. Please add your comments here if it is important to your workflow or let us know if there is any reason you think the option should not be included.

Thank you.