Comment 0 for bug 1486685

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Erica Rohlfs (erohlfs) wrote :

Evergreen Version 2.8.1

I can explain this better with a scenario: Cataloger A goes into the MARC Editor and begin making changes, she gets called away to perform other tasks, and leaves the bibliographic record idle....While Cataloger A leaves the record idle (or open and right in the middle of making edits), Cataloger B goes into the same bibliographic record to make changes. Cataloger B saves his work. Cataloger B’s saved changes are recognized at that time. However, when Cataloger A comes back to the record she left idle, continues making changes, and then saves, Cataloger A’s work is saved and Cataloger B’s work is deleted/erased/no longer recognized. From testing, this appears to hold true for both the MARC Editor and Copy Editor.
Both interfaces should have a similar feature available to users within the patron record, where Evergreen alerts staff to the fact that another user is currently editing the patron account.
It is my understanding that the groundwork is in place for Evergreen to detect the concurrent sessions and throw an error from the database layer. It would be a great feature for Evergreen to detect and alert staff when concurrent updates are occurring within the MARC Editor and Copy Editor.