Comment 1 for bug 1406332

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Jeff Godin (jgodin) wrote :

[Being conservative and marking this as Security while we evaluate the bug report.]

Doing some light testing on this on a 2.5 system, I believe it's a caching issue.

Share a list, view the HTML link in another (not-logged-in) browser instance, and you'll see the expected: list title, description, contents, item notes (if any).

Unshare that list, and reload the page in the test (not-logged-in) browser, and the list title and description and item notes are no longer present, but you see the records that are in the list.

Almost opposite issue: Attempt to view a list that isn't shared, then share the list. In your test browser you will now receive an error that includes the list name, but there are no contents displayed.

In both of the above cases, the issue resolves itself after a few minutes. It might be a memcached cache entry timing out.

I'll take a further look.

Thanks, Terran!