Comment 3 for bug 1392759

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

Confirmed the nodejs versions installed on Jessie and Trusty work.

I've also pushed developer and packager build targets for Wheezy and Precise. However, since neither have suitable nodejs install targets and Precise would require a source build regardless, I've disabled the browser client dependency building by default for those two OSes. My rationale is that If we're going to use the new developer targets in the installer README (instead of manually installing autotools, etc), installing nodejs from source first thing is a time consuming hurdle to just getting started with Evergreen. Also, by the time the browser client is in heavy use, most developers will probably be using newer OSes. Taking an extra step to install the browser prereqs on wheezy/precise does not seem like a big problem to me. It's certainly a step up from where are today, which is all manual installs.

To install on wheezy or precise, you have to do:

BROWSER_CLIENT_DEPS=1 make -f Makefile.install debian-wheezy-developer

TODO: modify README to use *-developer to install autotools, etc.