Comment 1 for bug 1356477

Revision history for this message
Galen Charlton (gmc) wrote :

Equinox is taking this on as a commissioned development project funded by the Pioneer Library System. The specifications we're using can be found here:

"For the purpose of allowing patrons and staff greater flexibility in the delivery of checkout receipts, Equinox proposes to implement a method which will allow for patrons to control and “opt-in” to an email checkout receipt from both staff mediated checkouts at the circulation desk as well as the Evergreen self-check station. This development will include the following:

  * Creation of a new API with a mechanism to group checkouts into sessions
  * Configuration of the email receipts via A/T templates as with other email templates
  * UI addition in patron account settings to support the flag to "opt in" to email check out receipts (and to ensure an email address is on file)
  * UI addition to the check out screen in the staff client to include a visibility flag to indicate if the patron has opted in for email receipts

Inclusion of an "email receipt" option to the native Evergreen self-check interface that will work if the patron has an email address on file"