Comment 1 for bug 1350827

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Kathy Lussier (klussier) wrote :

Confirming this behavior with non-located URI's. Located URI's behave a little differently. $3 is a label in a Located URI and $z, $2 and $n are notes. If you use both a $2 and $z in one record with a Located URI, the system will display the note in $z. I don't know if this is a good thing (maybe we should be displaying all use notes?), but it's better than displaying nothing.

What I really would like to see here is some consistency in how non-located and located URI's display.

* The non-located URI's should be displaying $3 as a label, not as a note.
* The non-located URI's should be displaying $2 as a note. I'm not sure we should be concerned about $n here since my reading of the code says that URL's with a subfield $n should be displayed as Located URI's (I wouldn't mind some confirmation on this)
* The non-located URI's should display in ind1 is a 1 (not sure how often this happens in practice, but it would make it consistent with located URI's
* We should have an order of $y then $3 for the display of labels and $z then $2 for the display of notes.

On that last bullet point, Mike Rylander offered the following tips in e-mail:

Related, you can adjust the xpath for unadorned 856 tags to pull just the first of y, z, or 3 by appending [1] to the end, like this:

    label = node.findnodes('./*[@code="y"][1]');
    notes = node.findnodes('./*[@code="z" or @code="3"][1]');