Comment 6 for bug 1347774

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

I take my previous comments back about some pages working. In my initial tests, I was still giving Apache access to the private domain. When I plopped it onto the public domain, a lot of new issues crop up. Here's a general recap of outstanding TODO's:

* opensrf.settings is accessed directly in a number of cases. XSL paths, added content configuration, xml/rpc configuration, vandalay configuration. These will all have to be moved to public API's or some other internal, Apache-accessible configuration mechanism, like eg_vhost.conf.
  ** Note, I've already pushed a branch to avoid direct opensrf.settings calls to lookup the IDL path with an API-driven version.

* There are numerous instances of direct use of open-ils.cstore (not via CStoreEditor) throughout the WWW code. Those will have to be ported to CStoreEditor where applicable or otherwise replaced with public APIs.

* TPAC manages the main authenticated user via some cstore-only code within CStoreEditor, e.g. $e->allowed. The PCRUD personality will need a few additions to continue in that manner. $e->checkauth is fine (uses open-ils.auth), so we might only need to modify $e->allowed to fall back to using a public perm check API when needed.

* Porting all json_query's to similar pcrud-supported searches or public APIs.

* Misc. Other stuff will pop up that we haven't thought of.