Signed off on Jason's commit, but we're expanding this bug's focus to include some additional findings we made this morning with the apache mod CGI needing to be activated for apache 2.4.
New collab branch containing further apache 2.4 tweaks at collab/bshum/lp1341013_apache24_tweak
Signed off on Jason's commit, but we're expanding this bug's focus to include some additional findings we made this morning with the apache mod CGI needing to be activated for apache 2.4.
New collab branch containing further apache 2.4 tweaks at collab/ bshum/lp1341013 _apache24_ tweak
http:// git.evergreen- ?p=working/ Evergreen. git;a=shortlog; h=refs/ heads/collab/ bshum/lp1341013 _apache24_ tweak