Comment 6 for bug 1331174

Revision history for this message
Blake GH (bmagic) wrote :

I have been working on some of the other long overdue bugs. I realized that when the longoverdue action trigger fires, it needs to update the stop_fines column so that the penalties can be applied to the patron. If you set "Assess Billing When Marked Long-Overdue" , it will skip the billing section of the code which includes marking the circulation as "LONGOVERDUE". The original intent would let the fine generator continue to apply overdues even after it's been LONGOVERDUE. So, not updating that column was a good thing. It has the converse affect of not giving the patron the penalty which is one of the main goals.

So, I am going to re-work this one. My current thinking is:

In addition to this library setting, there needs to be another one. Perhaps:
"Continue to generate overdue fines after Long-Overdue"

The idea would be to go ahead and set the stop_fines column for the circulation to "LONGOVERDUE" which will apply penalties and put the circulations in the appropriate places in the UI's. But it also stops the fine generator. If you want the circulation to continue to accumulate overdue fines, then there needs to be another setting.

Any thoughts?