Comment 21 for bug 1282286

Revision history for this message
Yamil (ysuarez) wrote :

Good news and bad news, I did some testing for bug squashing day and all of the tests passed (see below). Regretfully the code changes break the authority MARC editor. My early hunch without looking at the code, is that it might be related to the fact that the auth MARC editor lives in a floating window and not in a tab.

Here are the two main ways to bring up the authority MARC editor, which also trigger the error.

From bib MARC editor:
1) start from the MARC edit view
2) right click an authority controlled bib tag (for example bib tags: 1xx, 7xx, 6xx)
3) Select "Create new authority form this field -> Create and edit"
4) Error that is shown: FIXME: MARC Editor, loadRecord: TypeError: tabs is null
5) after clicking OK the floating auth MARC editor is show, but only showing the empty fixed fields (that should be pre-filled in) and not lower part with the non-fixed fields tags showing.
NOTE: that the expected auth data can be seen by clicking not he "flattest editor"

From the Manage Authorities screen (reachable format he Cataloging menu)
1) search for an authority by providing a search string and an auth type
2) click on the "Actions" button and select "edit"

3) Error that is shown: FIXME: MARC Editor, loadRecord: TypeError: tabs is null
4) after clicking OK the floating auth MARC editor is show, but only showing the empty fixed fields (that should be pre-filled in) and not lower part with the non-fixed fields tags showing.
NOTE: that the expected auth data can be seen by clicking not he "flattest editor"

-------- tests that passed ----

test 1) passed

Search -> Search the Catalog
enter a search term and submit the search
click on a record in the search results
warning message appears when the record has not been edited.

test 2) passed with + tab; ctrl-t

An issue with prompt showing from new tab:
1) Load a record from Shift-F3
2) From marc edit screen modify a field
3) Actions for this Record -> OPAC View
4) Select Cancel on prompt
5) Open a new tab
6) Pressed Shift-F3 and got prompt, "This action may cause you to lose unsaved information in the current interface. Continue anyway?"
Expected to not get the prompt.

test 3) passed

An issue with pressing cancel on prompt and TCN still showing:
1) Load a record from Shift-F3
2) From marc edit screen modify a field
3) Actions for this Record -> OPAC View
4) Select Ok on prompt
5) Actions for this Record -> MARC edit
6) Shift-F3 brings up unsaved data prompt
7) Pressed Cancel
8) TCN prompt comes up
Expected to not get the TCN prompt.

test 4) occurs in the same way; might not be buggy behavior

1) Load a record from Shift-F3
2) From marc edit screen modify a field
3) Actions for this Record -> OPAC View
4) Select Ok on prompt
5) Close the tab/Press Shift-F3
6) No prompt is given and the tab closes/TCN prompt is brought up
Expected to get a prompt.
This contradicts part of your last comment,
"As well, if you modify a MARC record then go to OPAC view, if you attempt to close the window, you will be prompted that you may lose data."

test 5) passed: prompt shown

I am not sure if this is related since it is a reload of the record:
1) Load a record from Shift-F3
2) From marc edit screen modify a field
3) Actions for this Record -> OPAC View
4) Select Ok on prompt
5) Actions for this Record -> MARC edit
6) Press Shift-F8, to reload the record
7) Record is reloaded
Expected to get a prompt

test 6) passed with #6=opac view / close tab

1) Load record A from Shift-F3
2) From marc edit screen modify a field
3) Shift-F3
4) Select Ok on prompt
5) Enter TCN of Record B
5) Actions for this Record -> MARC edit (don't modify anything)
6) Actions for this Record -> Opac View or close tab
7) Receive prompt for lost data
Expected to switch view to OPAC or have the tab close

NOTE: If step 6 is Shift-F3, TCN prompt only shows up.

NOTE: I did not get a chance to test the duplicate bib record use cases yet.