Comment 12 for bug 1110817

Revision history for this message
Jeff Davis (jdavis-sitka) wrote :

We have a multibranch system with Linux workstations that has reported slowness/freezing/crashing issues with the XUL client. This system makes heavy use of patron search to retrieve patron records. So I did a quick-and-dirty test on Ubuntu 16.04.1 / EG 2.10.2 / XULRunner 14.0.1:

1. Launch the client.
2. Load the patron search interface.
3. Execute a search (but don't select or retrieve any of the results).
4. Leave the client idle, and monitor its memory usage over time.

After 30 minutes, resident memory (physical RAM usage) gradually increased from 133.0MiB to 156.3MiB, even though the client was idle; virtual and shared memory did not change significantly. Further testing would be required to confirm this result and to see if Linux shows the same 4-hour cycle seen in GPLS/ESI's testing on Windows XP in 2013.