Comment 8 for bug 1104004

Revision history for this message
Eva Cerninakova (ece) wrote :

If I remember correctly, we encountered this problem in version 2.8 and repeatedly encountered it in the following versions. When search with diacritics was performed, occasionally the character were mismatched and the search ended up with empty results. It usually began to occur occasionally, but then it became more intense, and in the end it was no longer possible to search words with diacritics at all. The problem affected not only the catalog searches, but also the self registration (registration ended up with messed characters in pending patrons record) or patron pending addresses (see the attachment). When we examined the log, it turned out that it was usually (but not necessarily) related to the search bots on our website. An instant solution was the restarting the Apache, which used to help for a while. The more persistent solution turned out to be the change of the settings in /etc/apache2/mods-available/mpm-_prefork.conf

The similar issue occurs time to time in our production catalog in Evergreen 3.1. If occurring, it also affects the pending patrons or pending addresses. But unlike in the previous versions, it usually occurs only temporary and usually disappears without any intervention (I guess it must have something to do with the current Apache setting).