Comment 1 for bug 812997

Revision history for this message
Hartmut Holzgraefe (hartmut-php) wrote :

suggested fix: adding a "clear filters" link in the upper right of the list where non-customers see the show/hide links ...

=== modified file 'templates/list.tpl.html'
--- templates/list.tpl.html 2010-10-07 11:47:57 +0000
+++ templates/list.tpl.html 2011-07-19 21:08:30 +0000
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@
                   {include file="help_link.tpl.html" topic="list"}
+ <td align="right" class="default" nowrap>
                 {if $current_role != $roles.customer}
- <td align="right" class="default" nowrap>
                   {if $browser.ie5up or $browser.ns6up or $browser.gecko or $browser.safari or $browser.opera5up}
                   [ <a class="link" title="{t}hide / show the quick search form{/t}" href="javascript:void(null);" onClick="toggleVisibility('filter_form');">{t}quick search{/t}</a> ]
@@ -200,8 +200,10 @@
                   {if $current_role > $roles.reporter}[ <a class="link" href="javascript:void(null);" onClick="toggleVisibility('current_filters');"> {t}current filters{/t}</a> ]{/if}
                   {if $current_role > $roles.developer}[ <a class="link" href="javascript:void(null);" onClick="toggleVisibility('bulk_update');"> {t}bulk update tool{/t}</a> ]{/if}
- </td>
+ {else}
+ [ <a class="link" title="{t}clear filters{/t}" href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?reporter=">{t}clear filters{/t}</a> ]
+ </td>