Comment 1 for bug 702597

Revision history for this message
Didier Roche-Tolomelli (didrocks) wrote :

* COPYING: this isn't the standard license file from GPL, please for our tools, try to use it (you can find it on /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3

* debian/copyright should be updated to latest revision. Please refer to libunity package ( to have the latest syntax.

* COPYING and copyright is telling that the fies are GPL-3, but they are MIT:
config-aux/ GPL (v2 or later)
include/evemu.h: MIT/X11 (BSD like)
src/evemu-impl.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN -> Unlicensed btw :)
src/evemu.c: MIT/X11 (BSD like)
tools/evemu-play.c: MIT/X11 (BSD like)
tools/evemu-describe.c: MIT/X11 (BSD like)
tools/evemu-device.c: MIT/X11 (BSD like)
tools/evemu-record.c: MIT/X11 (BSD like)
tools/evemu-echo.c: MIT/X11 (BSD like)

Should they all be GPL-3 rather?

* debian/control: I'm seeing libutouch-evemu1 breaking older xserver-xorg-input-gevdev and libutouch-geis1. Does they breaks or conflicts? the semantic is a little bit different, we can sum up in breaks if the new functionality is breaking the previous one. Conflicts is because the functionalities are either conflicting (like if we were trying to run 2 window managers at a time) or the new one superseed the older one.

* On the Vcs, can you please look at my last comment on bug #684275? I think it applies as well (moving the packaging branch)

Otherwise, looks very good, please fix those small issues and it should be ok:)
If you have any question, do not hesitate!

as a side note: nice logo ;)