Comment 6 for bug 885230

Revision history for this message
Mitch Garnaat (mitch-garnaat) wrote :

But if I do the same test against S3, I get this server-side error response:

S3ResponseError: S3ResponseError: 400 Bad Request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error><Code>BadDigest</Code><Message>The Content-MD5 you specified did not match what we received.</Message><ExpectedDigest>vbKjyVqDxcRSPnj3H095Rw==</ExpectedDigest><CalculatedDigest>jvwsjFtBf/mePM+Da9ZnQQ==</CalculatedDigest><RequestId>2662640FEFBC9B81</RequestId><HostId>GjvxD/SnNFd5Zjtg9hQudRiD3ilyv3+Nkb9T5AgSAyZd0rXHgUuQvAG2TUpmYqXA</HostId></Error>

which is really the point you have been trying to make all along 8^)

This does look like a bug in Walrus.