Comment 3 for bug 717252

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Carsten Winkler (carsten-winkler) wrote :

After manually patching osdThread.c (patchfile has corrupt line numbers :-( ) "softIoc.exe" works well.
But now "caput.exe" runs sometimes into exception! This exception is very hard to catch (1% of calls
in my case).
The exception occurs in following function: "src/ca/tcpiiu.cpp":

bool tcpiiu :: connectNotify (
    epicsGuard < epicsMutex > & guard, nciu & chan )
    if ( chan.channelNode::listMember == channelNode::cs_createRespPend ) {
        this->createRespPend.remove ( chan );
        this->subscripReqPend.add ( chan ); <==== exception occurs here!

"this->subscripReqPend.add ( chan );" is dereferencing by "include/tsDLList.h"

template <class T>
inline void tsDLList<T>::remove ( T &item )
    tsDLNode<T> &theNode = item;

    if ( this->pLast == &item ) {
        this->pLast = theNode.pPrev;
    else {
        tsDLNode<T> &nextNode = *theNode.pNext;
        nextNode.pPrev = theNode.pPrev; <====== sometimes "nextNode.pPrev" is NULL here!!!

Memory map:
- nextNode {pNext=??? pPrev=??? } tsDLNode<nciu> &
        pNext CXX0030: Fehler: Ausdruck kann nicht ausgewertet werden
        pPrev CXX0030: Fehler: Ausdruck kann nicht ausgewertet werden
+ this 0x003db1b4 {pFirst=0x00000000 pLast=0x00000000 itemCount=0 } tsDLList<nciu> * const
- item {eventq={...} accessRightState={...} cacCtx={...} ...} nciu &
+ cacChannel {priorityMax=99 priorityMin=0 priorityDefault=0 ...} cacChannel
+ chronIntIdRes<nciu> {...} chronIntIdRes<nciu>
+ channelNode {listMember=cs_createRespPend } channelNode
+ privateInterfaceForIO {...} privateInterfaceForIO
+ eventq {pFirst=0x00000000 pLast=0x00000000 itemCount=0 } tsDLList<baseNMIU>
+ accessRightState {f_readPermit=true f_writePermit=true
f_operatorConfirmationRequest=false } caAccessRights
+ cacCtx {_refLocalHostName={...} chanTable={...} ioTable={...} ...} cac &
+ pNameStr 0x003dafd8 "demoHost:double1" char *
+ piiu 0x100543ec class noopiiu noopIIU netiiu *
        sid 4294967295 unsigned int
        count 0 unsigned int
        retry 0 unsigned int
        nameLength 17 unsigned short
        typeCode 65535 unsigned short
        priority 0 unsigned char
- theNode {pNext=0x00000000 pPrev=0x00000000 } tsDLNode<nciu> &
+ pNext 0x00000000 {eventq={...} accessRightState={...} cacCtx=??? ...} nciu *
+ pPrev 0x00000000 {eventq={...} accessRightState={...} cacCtx=??? ...} nciu *

I checked this at several machines and I don't know what to do next.