Comment 4 for bug 541210

Revision history for this message
Jeff Hill (johill-lanl) wrote :

No change at this time.

D:\\users\\hill\\R3.14.pcas_fix\\epics\\appl\\iocBoot\\iocex>..\\..\\bin\\WIN32-x86\\ex st.
## You may have to change ex to something else
## everywhere it appears in this file
< envPaths
cd D:/users/hill/R3.14.pcas_fix/epics/appl
## Register all support components
## Load record instances
dbLoadRecords("db/dbExample2.db","user=hillHost,no=1,scan=1 second")
dbLoadRecords("db/dbExample2.db","user=hillHost,no=2,scan=2 second")
dbLoadRecords("db/dbExample2.db","user=hillHost,no=3,scan=5 second")
## Set this to see messages from mySub
#var mySubDebug 1
cd D:/users/hill/R3.14.pcas_fix/epics/appl/iocBoot/iocex
Starting iocInit
### EPICS IOC CORE built on Oct 29 2004
### EPICS R3.14.6 $$Name: $$ $$Date: 2004/05/28 19:27:47 $$
iocInit: All initialization complete
## Start any sequence programs
#seq sncExample,"user=hillHost"
CA Client V4.11, channel name "hillHost:xxxExample", timeout 1e+020
Preemptive call back is enabled.
Waiting for test channel to connect..confirmed.
verifyImmediateTearDown {..........} 0.226868 sec
verifyTearDownWhenChannelConnected {} 0.002090 sec
unequalServerBufferSizeTest {...} 0.000316 sec
connecting to test channel {} 0.000087 sec
native type was DBF_DOUBLE, native count was 1
testing with a local channel
Canonical name for channel was "hillHost:xxxExample.VAL"
clearChannelInGetCallbackTest {} 0.000107 sec
monitorAddConnectionCallbackTest {} 0.102760 sec
verifyConnectWithDisconnectedChannels {..........} 11.050653 sec
grEnumTest {} 0.000185 sec
test_sync_groups {

A call to "assert (ppn->state==putNotifyRestartCallbackRequested || ppn->state==
putNotifyUserCallbackRequested)" failed in ..\\dbNotify.c line 176.
EPICS Release EPICS R3.14.6 $$Name: $$ $$Date: 2004/05/28 19:27:47 $$.
Current time Fri Dec 03 2004 09:30:55.705209189.
Please E-mail this message to the author or to <email address hidden>
Calling epicsThreadSuspendSelf()
filename="..\\..\\..\\src\\libCom\\taskwd\\taskwd.c" line number=170
task 00A70DF8 suspended